Semi-Automatic Classification Plugin documentation
Semi-Automatic Classification Plugin Documentation
1. Introduction
2. Plugin Installation
2.1. Installation in Windows 32 bit
2.2. Installation in Windows 64 bit
2.3. Installation in Ubuntu Linux
2.4. Installation in Debian Linux
2.5. Installation in Mac OS
The Interface of SCP
1. SCP menu
2. SCP Tools
3. Working toolbar
4. SCP dock
5. Main Interface Window
6. Spectral Signature Plot
7. Scatter Plot
8. SCP Edit Toolbar
3. Brief Introduction to Remote Sensing
3.1. Basic Definitions
3.2. Supervised Classification Definitions
3.3. Image conversion to reflectance
3.4. Conversion to Temperature
3.5. References
4. Basic Tutorials
4.1. Tutorial 1
4.2. Tutorial 2
4.3. NASA ARSET Webinar
5. Thematic Tutorials
5.1. Tutorial: Land Cover Signature Classification
5.2. Tutorial: Estimation of Land Surface Temperature with Landsat and ASTER
6. Semi-Automatic OS
6.1. Installation in VirtualBox
7. Frequently Asked Questions
7.1. Plugin installation
7.2. Pre processing
7.3. Processing
7.4. Warnings
7.5. Errors
7.6. Various
Semi-Automatic Classification Plugin documentation